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Posts from the ‘Personal’ Category

{MOVING DAY!} Visit my new blog at !


Visit this blog { }  for all new and upcoming work!

{ apple pressing }


{An Exhibition of Place and People } MEMORY BANK II


For me, it is about slowing down and listening. Listening to the stories that soon will be only relayed through memories. In our busy lives sometimes we easily forget. We all know that realization… a moment lost, a conversation that should have taken place, a story that needs to be told. It is because of this realization that I am so proud to be apart of this upcoming Exhibit. But first…a little info:

Memory Bank II is Preservation Napa Valley’s 2012 community preservation project: an annual, intensive endeavor to celebrate and build awareness for the cultural heritage of Napa County. Partnering with the Napa Valley Museum, subjects have been gathered from eight county areas, from American Canyon to Calistoga. Six professional photographers and one filmmaker are capturing the people and places during an era of great transition in Napa’s history.

August 11- September 23rd 2012

Opening night is tomorrow! August 11th 5:30-7:30 Napa Valley Museum, 55 President’s Circle, Yountvillle, CA

I was fortunate enough to work with three subjects, whose stories and lives touched me. I so enjoyed walking with them and hearing their stories all while being given the immense task of telling just a bit of their story on film. It was an honor and I’m excited with the result.

Here are just a few of the images. I invite you to come to The Napa Valley Museum ( to enjoy the rich lives of these history makers in our valley’s heritage.

Thomas May sits in front of his original Napa Valley home

Roy Enderlin

Arnold Enderlin


{ Dominican Republic & Haiti on Film }

Last month when our family traveled to Dominican Republic to photograph for Una Vida ( a non-profit working to help the impoverished in rural Dominican Republic & Haiti), I shot some personal work of the many rich, wonderful and intense experiences. There are many more to come but here’s some of my favorites from the film batch. All shot on Contax 645 | Fuji Pro 400 & Porta

{ get started }

power of color

color has a way of moving . inspiring & transporting us to another time and culture. colors as rich as these go beyond and tell us stories.

{ ok }

we all need the reminder sometimes…follow my pins here: 

{ ripples & breezes }

On the last evening of spring break, we took out the boats with the boys and enjoyed a few simple pleasures. Take a moment & enjoy the calm of a spring evening.

{and here i am} Guatemala – Constru Casa


Here I am in Guatemala – it’s been so crazy this last month fund-raising & planning for this trip that it feels surreal to finally be here with my feet planted firmly on Guatemalan soil. I am touched by the instant warm welcome we received by both the Constru Casa folks as well as each an every person we pass along our travels. Everywhere we venture out we are greeted with warm, “Buenos Dias, Buenos Tardes or a simple Hola”.

Many people gently stroke Trevor’s hair and he often receives compliments on his light hair and blue eyes. (much to his confusion).

Brandon is slowing building the confidence to speak some Spanish and yet the  language of futbol has proven to be universal. The boys carry their ball where ever they go and easily make friends as they begin playing.

We spent the first few days visiting the Constru Casa work sites, towns that they are helping & seeing the schools, women center & homes that they are hard at work building. In addition, we were invited to share in the celebration of a volunteer’s hard work & departure as well as a new women’s center open to families. The volunteers that we have met come from as far as Holland, Spain, France, London, and the United States.  In our spare time we have walked every inch of Antigua and I have enjoyed shooting the colors and flavor of the Guatemalan culture.  It all has been a joyful whirlwind and today we decided to stay home to catch our breath before an intense week of shooting, traveling & home construction.

The people we have met are warm & lovely. They take nothing for granted and make use of everything. Overall, we are humbled and inspired by their grace and ability to adapt in difficult conditions. Yesterday, Brian was floored when we saw an elderly woman carrying two large cement cinder blocks on her head and then asked someone to hand her a third…to carry down a steep slope in bare feet. I know many young fit woman who couldn’t come close to her strength. The blocks she carried were foundations of her son’s new home. Blocks that would prevent the home from sliding  down the steep hill during the next heavy rains.

I am eager to witness more of these construction projects next week & my boys are ready to assist. I can’t wait.

Many more images to come…

{sweet days} napa valley children’s photography

little josephine . with your giant smile, curious mind & rich imagination

sweet paxton . with you gentle soul, eager feet, & giant heart

you two make me smile. again & again

{trevor . 5 years old}

Yesterday was my little one’s birthday and tomorrow he has to have tonsil surgery… so today, Trevor is on my mind.

Trevor – you make me smile more times a day than I count. your dancing & happy little energy is a gift to us all . i can’t belive 5 years ago we made our way through life without you. love you little T.

{goodbye summer} holga images

with summer soon fading away I long for it’s brilliant bright colors and free times

{aruba images} polaroid sx-70

Here are some more of the images that were shot with my vintage Poloaroid sx-70 on this summer’s destination Aruba wedding!


{deeply rooted}

waiting for images to export; my mind wanders…here is my ramble.

I once heard a wonderful quote…something to the effect of,  “without being deeply rooted, one cannot grow new branches”. Not sure of the exact quote and if anyone knows, I would love to be corrected.

As for me, I love the art of wandering, discovering and exploring. As I sift through recent images from our destination shoots, I get giddy with images fresh & new to my eyes and heart. Then with a strong need to stretch and breath some fresh air, I stroll outside. The breeze gently lifts the leaves and embraces them for a moment before they glide back down. Songbirds call to their loved ones and I glance down at my toes…feeling the childish innocence of being tickeled by cool grass.

I feel rooted. I love my home and my roots in this valley are deep and  supported. Ah, it is good to leave. Ah, it is good to return home.

Here is an image from my travels; feeling the earth beneath my toes…graced with the ocean.